AnalytiCalc Save File Format AnalytiCalc's P class commands use a sequential file which encodes the values in active cells only. This file may readily be handled in Fortran or other languages. The first line is the title (80 characters) followed by optional matrix relocation and column widths of some of the leftmost columns. This information varies but is all on the same line as the title, after the 80 title characters (which are space padded). Following that are records containing sheet information. Each cell is output in 2 lines with the following formats: A1,I5,',',I5,',',109A1 (SYMBOLIC SAVE) OR A1,I5,',',I5,',',E50.35 (NUMERIC SAVE) and then I3,',',9A1,',',I5 The numbers encoded in the first format are: A1 - Letter P or D indicating Physical or Display sheet save (usually ignored). Note: Upper case P will normally indicate formula records; lower case p will indicate value records. Default save is now a value record followed by a formula record for each cell. Programs using saved files should either take the first record for a cell if using values, or check the case of the initial letter. Note: Initial letter M is used for mapping information where cell offsets are increased by 64000 and the interpretation is that a display sheet cell is to receive the physical mapping provided. Formula gets the information in this case only. Sheet reader programs should ensure that the initial letter is one they recognize or ignore the two-line record. I5 - Row relative to cursor at save time, starting at 1 for cursor location and increasing (saves only from cursor right and down) I5 - Column relative to cursor at save time, starting at 1 109A1 or - Formula in cell, or value in cell (depends on Symbolic E50.35 or Numeric save which is present) The numbers encoded in the second format are: I3 - FVLD - Valid byte. Its meaning is that negative values are text (-1 means alphas are present, -2 or -3 mean only numerics and/or punctuations), 0 is an inactive cell (should never appear in a save), and +1 means formula with alphas, +2 or +3 means formula with no alphas (2 or 3 switches whether it was computed or not). 9A1 - Format string for formatting cell on output I5 - Type number. Normally 2 for reals, 4 for integers, negative values mean uninitialized. Negative numbers basically never will appear here. The fields are separated by commas so BASIC can handle them. These numbers may be read by FORTRAN formats as follows: 1000 FORMAT(A1,I5,X,I5,X,109A1) or 1000 FORMAT(A1,I5,X,I5,X,E50.35) 2000 FORMAT(I3,X,9A1,X,I5) Note this sort of encoding is needed to allow the format encoding to be recorded in the file; the DIF format lacks room to do this. On read-back, cells outside legal boundaries are not used. To add pie charts or other graphics, a simple mod to PCGRAF with addition of suitable graphics output routines for your favorite graphics device would give such graphics output from AnalytiCalc saved spread sheets (provided they were saved numerically).